Welcome to my Website Kino Society!

Kino Society.

My name is Owen Shapiro A self-acclaimed hardcore cinephile, anime elitist, and a future filmmaker.

Hello, My name is Owen Shapiro. Welcome! A self-acclaimed hardcore cinephile, anime elitist, and a future filmmaker, Owen Shapiro has a unique eye for all things film and cinema. Born and raised in Los Angeles, CA, Owen has always shown a passion for the entertainment industry. From a very young age, he has had a deep appreciation for every aspect of film. He believes in each element coming together to create the art––from production and character casting to screenwriting and direction. Over the years, he has pursued this passion, which has driven him to create the Kino Society Podcast that exposes the secrets of the industry! A fun fact? Owen has never not seen a movie from beginning to end, including all of the credits!